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Will Child Support Need to Be Adjusted If I Move Out of State?

sealing a moving box

If you are planning to move away from the state of California and have child support obligations, you may be concerned about what will happen to this support. Child support modifications are highly dependent on the individual case and its circumstances, so it is extremely important to have a child support attorney by your side to help you understand each state’s child custody and support laws. Our San Diego child custody and support attorneys share what happens to child support one parent moves away from California.

Moving Out of State With Children

If you are moving out of the state of California with your children and currently receive child support, you may still receive child support for your children. With this move, you may be assigned a caseworker to help you and your children’s other parent understand your next steps for child support obligations. Until your child support order changes, child support payments will continue at the value determined by the current child support order. If the paying parent lives in California but the other parent and children live outside of the state, both state’s child support agencies can work together to ensure that payments are made properly.

Jurisdiction Change for Child Custody and Support

Child support can change if one parent files for a jurisdiction change for their custody and support agreements. This jurisdiction change will include a modification of the current agreement to reflect the new state’s custody and support laws. Since each state has its own guidelines on custody and support, a jurisdiction change can affect your time-sharing or legal custody and possibly increase or decrease your child support payments.

Paying Parent Moves Out of State

If you are the paying parent and move out of the state of California for your next chapter, you will need to continue paying your current child support value until a modification is made. While you can file for a modification for a changed payment, if your children still live in the state of California, it is highly unlikely that your payment value will decrease due to California’s child custody standards. A trusted family law attorney can help you better understand your options regarding a child support modification in your new state.

San Diego Family Law Attorney

At Embry Family Law P.C., we understand that when pursuing a relocation with your children, there are a lot of moving parts. It can be overwhelming when trying to navigate the legal system between planning for a move, enrolling your children in a new school, and preparing for your next chapter. Our child custody and support attorneys understand how you may feel and can help you make sure that you are following all laws regarding custody and support before your move.

Are you unsure of what will happen to your child support after a court-approved relocation out of the state of California? Schedule a consultation with our child custody and support attorneys by calling (619) 485-6476 to learn more about how we can help your family understand their financial obligations.
