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How Can I Enforce My Custody Agreement?

lawyer writing with pen

If your child’s other parent is not following your custody agreement, it can be frustrating. You may wonder why you have the agreement if it is not being followed at all. Our Embry Family Law P.C. child custody attorney shares how you can enforce your custody agreement.

Getting a Letter From Your Attorney

The first step in enforcing your court order is consulting your child custody attorney. Your attorney can review your custody agreement with you so you can address what you believe in the agreement is being violated.

If you wish to begin custody agreement enforcement without going to the courts, you can have your attorney write a letter to your child’s other parent. This letter can then be sent to the other parent in the hopes that the parent will begin following the custody agreement.

Calling Your Local Police

If you believe this violation is urgent or putting your children in danger, you can call your local police department to ask them to help enforce the order. They can assist you as you prepare for the transfer of time-sharing and can protect you and your children during this process.

Court Enforcement Measures

If the letter from your attorney did not work, you do not wish to involve the local police, or you would rather begin through the court, you can approach the court for enforcement assistance. Your attorney can file a motion of “contempt” to ask the court for assistance with enforcing the order.

Going through the court for enforcement can be often complicated and may take time. You should prepare with your attorney for this court order enforcement and the possibility of needing a custody modification.

We Do Family Law Differently

At Embry Family Law P.C., we do family law differently. We understand that your child custody situation may be complicated, so we will create goals to help guide our strategy for your case.

Schedule a consultation with our child custody attorney today by calling (619) 485-6476 or contacting us online to learn more about how we can help you with court order enforcement.
