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What Is Parallel Parenting?

father with young son in a backpack

An ugly divorce can cause bad blood between you and your ex-spouse. Simply being in the presence of each other could lead to an argument. To avoid a potentially hostile situation, the best approach is to limit direct contact for a while. If you have children together, parallel parenting may prove to be the best fit for your family.

What Is Parallel Parenting?

Parallel parenting is a technique that temporarily minimizes the number of face-to-face interactions between ex-spouses. However, both parents are still able to remain actively involved in their child’s life. Until the dust settles, they’ll only need to communicate when necessary. The ultimate goal is to create a safe and secure environment for the children.

What Are the Benefits of Parallel Parenting?

Shields Children From Conflict

It’s never a good idea to allow your children to see you and your ex-spouse bickering. According to studies, kids regularly exposed to parental conflicts are more likely to suffer from depression and loneliness. They deserve to have a healthier experience growing up.

Reduces Stress

When dealing with their ex-partner, some people tend to become a bit emotional. Feelings of bitterness and grief can quickly reemerge. Research shows that anxiety can especially take a toll on a person’s health. Parallel parenting can make your life substantially less stressful. You’ll no longer have to constantly put yourself in a nerve-racking situation. Remember, the emotional wounds from a divorce won’t heal overnight. It may take some time to get your life back on track.

Conserves Relationship Between Child and Parent

You can have a solid relationship with your child without being involved with your ex. Parallel parenting allows both of you to play an equal role in the child’s life.

Create a Parenting Plan

To make things work, it’s a good idea to create a parenting plan. This written document will contain details on how you will raise your child separately. Critical information, like drop-off schedules and how your child will spend their time between houses, will be discussed. You’ll be far less likely to experience any awkward run-ins moving forward.

Call us today at (619) 485-6476 to schedule a consultation for your child custody case.
