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The Divorce Revenge Body - Is it Healthy?

lady working out

What is a “Revenge Body?”

A revenge body is what someone achieves after someone in the past has hurt them. Typically, people get revenge bodies following a breakup or a divorce. The purpose is to make an ex regret breaking up with them because of how good they look. It’s essentially saying, “Hey! Look at how great I’m doing without you.”

The problem is that when people strive for a revenge body, they are not getting healthy for the right reasons. More often than not, people who are focused on getting into shape are not doing so in a healthy manner.

A revenge body isn’t a new concept. Celebrities are praised for losing weight after a huge public breakup. Khloe Kardashian even created a show around the idea. 

Reasons for Losing Weight After a Breakup

People choose to obtain a perfect figure after a break up for various reasons. Some common situations include:

  • You want your ex to see how much you’ve changed since your break up and how well you’ve done without them

  • Your ex teased and bullied you about your weight while you were married

  • Your ex cheated on you with someone who you perceive to have a “better” body than you

  • If you look better, your ex will want to get back with you

Is This Healthy?

The problem with this mentality is that you are not addressing what is really going on - your own issues with the divorce. It is more than okay to be upset about the end of your marriage. You might be hurt, confused, frustrated, sad, or even angry with your ex, and maybe even yourself.

But, that doesn’t mean you should focus your energy on changing your physical appearance. At the end of the day, those feelings are still going to be there, wearing away at your mental health.

It’s okay to struggle with your divorce, but you should find healthy ways of coping and discussing your emotions. Whether that be with a family member, friend, or even a therapist, it’s important to speak about what’s bothering you. Doing this will help you heal and move on.

If you need legal assistance in your divorce, Embry Family Law is here to help. We genuinely care about our client’s success and will do everything we can to protect your rights. Contact our San Diego divorce lawyer today to discuss your case.

Call Embry Family Law at (619) 485-6476 to set up a consultation.


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