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Pets of Divorce: Who Gets Custody?

divorced couple fighting over dog

In the past, divorcing pet owners were often left to determine custody of their pets on their own or through mediation. However, a new law in California changes how pet custody is decided. If you and your partner are divorcing, here is what you need to know about Assembly Bill 2274 and how it could impact custody of your pets.

What Is Assembly Bill 2274?

Prior to the passage of Assembly Bill 2274, pets were considered to be property in family-related legal matters. This forced divorcing pet parents to argue for custody of their pets based solely on their property rights. Unfortunately, this prevented the courts from considering the best interests of the pets.

Assembly Bill 2274 recognizes that pets are often seen as valuable members of the family and as such, deserve to have their best interests considered. As with child custody cases, there is the possibility that pet parents can be ordered to share custody of their pets or be awarded sole custody.

How Can a San Diego Family Lawyer Help You?

Pets are a part of the family and should be treated as such. If you are divorcing and share a pet with your spouse, you need to contact a family law firm, such as Embry Family Law, to learn more about Assembly Bill 2274 and how it applies to your situation. An experienced family law attorney can help you understand the law and initiate the legal process to ensure your pet's best interests are considered. Our San Diego family law attorney will also ensure your rights as a pet parent are respected. In addition to this, our team can help determine other legal matters that need to be considered in your divorce case.

If you need legal assistance in your divorce, Contact Embry Family Law today at (619) 485-6476 to set up a case evaluation.

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